Marg — A Simple Request Router written in PHP
7 min read

Marg — A Simple Request Router written in PHP

Dated: November 10, 2012

Dated: November 10, 2012

Marg is a simple HTTP Request Router, written in PHP. It has a very simple API and is motivated by my understanding and experience of using existing frameworks like Django, Flask, Drupal and some other pieces of code I have read in the past. Though I have written this code for my personal use, its free for anyone to use. The idea behind writing Marg was to have a boilerplate code for myself which I can use for my own projects.

Marg has a really simple API and it is really easy to use. And one of the reasons for this is that it does not do everything for you. It does not follow the Batteries Included philosophy. All it does for you is that it routes incoming HTTP requests for you to the right request handlers. You may use functions or classes to write your request handlers, and then you define routes for each of those request handlers.

The Code

So lets just dive into some code:

<?phpinclude 'marg/marg.php';$routes = array(    '/' => 'home',);function home() {    echo 'Hello World!';}Marg::run($routes);?>

So that’s a really simple example. What we have done here is that we have defined a new function (controller) called “home”. This is basically a function and we want it to handle our request everytime a client requests the “/” URI. So to do exactly the same thing, we have defined this function and we have a $routes variable to tell Marg to route the incoming request to “/” to this request handler. $routes is an associative array where the key is the URI for which you want to handle and the value is the name of the request handler or an array (we will see this later) which will handle the request. Finally, we call the run() method, passing the $routes variable to it as the only argument.

Now open the “/” URI in the browser and you will get a nice “Hello World!”.

Let’s make things a little more complex. Let’s handle different kinds of requests.

<?phpinclude 'marg/marg.php';$routes = array(    '/' => 'home',);function home() {    echo '<h1>Hello World!</h1>';    global $request;    if ($request->verb == 'GET') {        echo 'This is a GET request.';    } else {        header('HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed');        echo 'Method Not Allowed';    }}Marg::run($routes);?>

In the above example, we have explicitly made sure that our home controller handles only GET requests. Rather, we want all the non-GET requests to get rejected. The right way of doing this is by sending the 405 Method Not Allowed response header. Since PHP was made for the web, you can determine the type of request through many ways. However, Marg simplifies it for you so that you don’t have to take care of this all the time. Marg provides you with a $request global object that has information about the incoming request. The “verb” property of the $request object tells you the “HTTP verb” or HTTP method used for the incoming request. As you can see, we have added a short snippet to check the method and if it is not GET, then we send the appropriate header and response.

Another way to do this is implement a “raise” function. The way to do that is this:

<?phpfunction home() {    echo '<h1>Hello World!</h1>';    global $request;    if ($request->verb == 'GET') {        echo 'This is a GET request.';    } else {        raise('405');    }}function raise_405() {    header('HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed');    echo '<h1>405: Method Not Allowed</h1>';}?>

“raise” is used to raise what I call HTTP exceptions. They are not exceptions like exceptions in PHP or any programming language for that matter. These are essentially functions that you might want to use to keep your code clean and readable. The way to do this is implement a function named in the following format: raise_HTTP_CODE. So to raise a 405 HTTP exception, all you have to do is call the raise() function with the code as an argument, like so: raise(‘405’).

raise() function exists for improving code readability and nothing else only as of now. It does not do much right now, but there is more that I want to do with it in the future — just haven’t found a way to do it yet.

The above example can also be implemented like so:

<?phpinclude 'marg/marg.php';$routes = array(    '/' => array('home', array('GET', 'POST')),);function home() {    echo 'Hello World!';}Marg::run($routes);?>

This way you can inform Marg about which methods your controller will handle and if a request comes in with an HTTP method not specified in that array, then a 405 is raised.

Alternatively, you may also write the same $routes variable like so:

<?php$routes = array(    '/' => array(        'controller' => 'home',        'methods' => array('GET', 'POST')    ),);?>

The above method is just another explicit way of expressing what we did in the previous example.

We have seen how to use functions to handle your requests. Now, lets take a look at how you’d do the same thing using classes in PHP.

<?phpinclude 'marg/marg.php';$routes = array(    '/' => array('home', array('GET', 'POST')),    '/classes' => 'ClassesExample',);function home() {     ...}class ClassesExample {    public function get() {        echo '<h1>This is an example of how to use classes with [Marg][MARG].</h1>';        echo '<p>This is a GET request.</p>';    }    public function post() {        echo '<h1>This is an example of how to use classes with [Marg][MARG].</h1>';        echo '<p>This is a POST request.</p>';    }};Marg::run($routes);?>

In the above example, we have used a class instead of a function. And our class implements a get() method and a post() method to handle GET and POST requests coming to “/classes” URI. That’s all we have to do to handle different requests separately. If an incoming request is not a GET or POST request (say it is a PUT request), then a 405 will be raised.

setUp and tearDown

Marg also allows you to define setUp and tearDown for incoming requests at two different levels. To define a setUp and a tearDown for all the incoming requests i.e. the global level, this is what you’d do:

<?phpinclude 'marg/marg.php';$routes = array(    '/' => array('home', array('GET', 'POST')),);function home() {    echo 'Hello World!';}Marg::run($routes);Marg::addSetUp(function () {  echo '<html><head><title>Marg Examples</title></head><body>'; });Marg::addTearDown(function () { echo '</body></html>'; });?>

Every time you get an incoming request, first the global setUp callback will be called, then the controller is called and then the global tearDown callback will be called. In this example, we have used an anonymous function available in PHP 5.3+.

You may also add setUp and tearDown at controller levels like so:

<?phpclass ClassesExample {    public function setUp() {        echo '<h1>This is an example of how to use classes with [Marg][MARG].</h1>';        echo '<center>';    }    public function tearDown() {        echo '</center>';    }    public function get() {        echo '<p>This is a GET request.</p>';    }    public function post() {        echo '<h1>This is an example of how to use classes with [Marg][MARG].</h1>';        echo '<p>This is a POST request.</p>';    }};?>

So now when a request comes in, the global setUp is called first, then the setUp at class level is called, then the class method is called, then the class tearDown is called and finally the global tearDown is called.

Please note that you can use setUp and tearDown at controller levels only with classes and not with functions.


You must have noticed that Marg does not provide any way of simplifying how you generate your responses. Well, there can be a lot of things that I could have done on that front but that would have been really a lot of opiniated design decisions that I did not want to enforce onto others and myself as well because I do tend to change how I write my applications with time and experience. So how you handle your responses depends entirely on you. You may want to use a templating engine like Smarty or may be you want to write a custom response generation engine yourself. Its up to you!

How and why?

While I was interning at Wingify (the creators of Visual Website Optimizer, check it out in case you don’t know what it is ‘coz its awesome!), one of the projects I was working on was development of a REST API for Visual Website Optimizer (VWO). I hadn’t worked on a dedicated REST API before this, mostly because there was never a need to do the same. But I’d always think of working on one for a project, just didn’t know that it would be VWO. Anyways, I wanted to get everything right and so I started to read about API design and best practices. While doing this, one good thing that happened with me was that I got in the habbit of reading specs. I read many parts of the HTTP 1.1 spec many times. I read docs of many web services’ APIs like Github’s, Facebook’s, Google Data Protocol’s, and many more. And, I got to learn a great deal of things, how they are done, why they are done, etc.

Put together the knowledge and experience I had gathered by using various frameworks over the last couple of years and all the information and the new things that I had gathered while learning about API design and best practices, I started working on designing the API spec and then started writing code for the same. It was an amazing experience. After every addition to the code base, I used to validate my work with the best practices I had layed down for our use case. And in the whole process I learned a lot of things.

Sometime back, I was working on a small weekend project and had to write an API for it that would send responses in JSON. After working on it for a while, I realized my approach and code were quite similar to the one I applied while working on the VWO API project. Therefore, I decided to make use of all the things I learned while working at Wingify and write my own boilerplate code for my own use. So this became my new weekend project which resulted in Marg.

I thank Wingify here for giving me the opportunity to work on that project. I got the opportunity to learn a great deal through the project I was asked to work on!


Marg was more of a weekend project. I have added code to it but haven’t been able to really devote time to it. I am sure it has some glitches. I’d be really happy to have some feedback. So, please take out some time and let me know how you feel about it.

Originally published at